The frequency at which this wave oscillates between the two depends on the distance between them, which in turn is directly related to the bending of the spring element (and therefore the weight of the object on the platform).
This wave is picked up by the transmitter, sent to the receiver where it is amplified, and the passed back to the transmitter to create a feedback loop.
Dirt, water and other substances can easily damage the connectors on the board, which makes your entire scale less reliable and more likely to need repairs in the future.
So if you order from a source that does not adjust or group the load cells based on the identicalness of their outputs, you’ll have to manually adjust the load cells on your own.
This means that the output signal varies a little from load cell to load cell. While this may not matter if you’re using a single load cell in a smaller capacity scale, it will matter a great deal in a larger capacity scale that requires more than one load cell.
When compared to the readability of 1 part in 5,000 and accuracy of 1/10 of 1% offered by strain gage scales, our Ultra Precision Scales offer a remarkable readability of 1 part in 100,000 – 20 times better than strain gage scales!